Sunday, November 8, 2009

Help with Vintage Shopping

It can be agreed, vintage clothes, furniture, and knick knacks are awesome. If you're like me, and love every vintage, but can sometimes find the task a bit overwhelming, fear not! Whether you are a hardcore vintage shopper, an occasional indulger or a second-hand buying novice, this list of vintage suggestions by the author one of my favorite vintage sites Here's Looking at Me Kid will put your troubled mind at ease. It certainly did mine.

And if you need anymore help, then consider buying local vintage proprietor, Vintage Connections' book on vintage shopping and how to do it right.

Cheers! Vintage On Philly

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for the shout out! i'm planning on coming to your holiday party on the 17th... sounds like fun and i can't wait to see your pretty shop!

